Sunday 19 May 2013

Foods that trigger rosacea flare-ups

Foods That Trigger Rosacea Flare-Ups

Do You Suffer Any Kind Of Reaction On Your Skin After Eating Certain Foods…?

One of the major causes of constant rosacea flare-ups and persistent redness are food triggers.

These food triggers are foods that prolong your rosacea problems and make it very difficult to treat. They are foods that induce redness, flushing and flare-ups when consumed especially in high quantities.

Based on this fact, some might think that these foods would likely be the junk foods that are commonly found in our grocery stores (processed and refined foods).

However, not all of the foods are bad. These rosacea triggers also consist of healthy foods like the citrus fruits such as orange and grape that are highly beneficial for the body.

In the case of rosacea, any food that triggers any form of rosacea flare-ups whether it is a healthy and natural food or the opposite, it is considered as a rosacea trigger.

So What Are These Rosacea Triggers...?

Below are the common rosacea food triggers which have been proven to induce rosacea flare-ups if consumed.

1. Hot spicy foods
2. Hot drinks
3. Coffee
4. Spicy foods
5. Hot beverages
6. High sugar foods – white breads, white rice etc.
7. Bananas
8. Alcohol
9. Certain citrus fruits
10. Eggplants
11. Nuts
12. Vinegar
13. Yogurt
14. Cheese
15. Red pepper
16. Cayenne
17. Soy sauce
18. Spinach
19. Chicken liver

From the above you will totally agree with me that it is not how healthy a food is but how it affects your skin and in this case rosacea.

Note that these rosacea triggers varies from one individual to another. Foods that will trigger flare-ups for you may not affect another person.
For example some rosacea sufferers might be fine eating spinach and eggplants which are great for the body.


So What Is The Best Way To Combat These Food Triggers…?

Since you are still suffering from rosacea which might also be caused by other factors as well, it is advisable that you avoid these food triggers as much as possible.

For all your foods, ensure that you consume it only when it is cool. Avoid consuming foods that are hot especially hot spicy foods and hot foods containing pepper.
Try avoiding these foods for some time while you treat your skin.

When you are finally clear, you can try adding the foods to your diet one at a time especially the healthy ones and see how your skin reacts.
Keep a journal to note the changes or reactions for the individual foods. By doing this, you will know with time the main foods that are causing problems for your skin.

However, note that for a healthy skin and a healthy body in general, it is advisable that you consume in small quantities and occasionally foods in the above list such as coffee, alcohol etc.

I highly recommend that you check out this wonderful rosacea cure called The Rosacea Killer.

Avoiding rosacea triggers is just a step in getting a long-lasting relief from your rosacea.
However, The Rosacea Killer Treatment uses other effective methods and techniques alongside this to help you address your rosacea problem fully. By using this kind of treatment, your rosacea won’t stand a chance no matter how stubborn and severe it is.

Visit now to get instant access to The Rosacea Killer Treatment e-Book.

1 comment:

  1. Anytime I eat nuts, my skin usually flare up. Now I know better. Thanks for the tips.
